Friday, March 9, 2007

Preserving the Future

Most of us shop for produce in our local markets without much thought to what we are purchasing beyond how it looks and tastes. This has fostered what I consider to be dangerous changes in the way our food is grown and treated for marketing. Genetic alterations in consumable plants (called transgenic crops), hybridization that makes for sterile seed production and radiation treatments that are designed to preserve freshness for unimaginable lengths of time are all a part of some of the most potentially beneficial and frightening changes in our food sources today. If you are unaware of these developments, you owe it to yourself and your family to take a look at the embedded links. What you don't know might prove harmful in the long run!

Making a conscious effort to purchase heritage and heirloom plants and seed will encourage growers to produce more of these varieties. Taking care to note the small stickers on your fruits and vegetables and what they say will sometimes let you know if your market is carrying genetically altered transgenic or irradiated produce. Learn what science is doing to our food, why, the potential benefits and the potential hazards!

Better yet, grow as much of your own fruits and vegetables as you reasonably can. As you harvest your crops, save some of the seed for next year. Over a few seasons these plants acclimatize to your specific area and will develop hardier, healthier plants. Help preserve our food source in this way and you just might be helping to ensure the future of coming generations.

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